doktor yoga Events & Retreats

doktor yoga Events & Retreats

Handstand Workshop für Anfänger mit Kate

Handstand Workshop für Anfänger mit Kate

Handstand Workshop für Anfänger mit Kate

Du würdest so gern Handstand können, aber weißt nicht wie und/oder traust Dich nicht? Oder Du findest manchmal schon kurz die Balance, kannst sie aber nicht halten? Dann bist Du hier genau richtig! Schritt für Schritt lernst Du gemeinsam mit Kate, welche Übungen Dich auf dem Weg zum Handstand ans Ziel bringen. Außerdem analysieren wir gemeinsam die richtige Technik, Ausrichtung und wie man häufige Fehler vermeiden kann.

Und: Wie immer musst du bei doktor yoga gar nichts. Aber vielleicht überraschst Du Dich selber, wer weiß... ;-)

Wo? doktor yoga Studio 6, Gumpendorfer Straße 132/2, 1060 Wien
Wann? Samstag, 25. Mai, 14:00 Uhr
Wieviel? € 40

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Yoga Weekend with Alex Perez
bis 8. Sep.

Yoga Weekend with Alex Perez

Yoga Weekend mit Alex Perez: Masterclass, Handstands, Hip Mobility, Hands-On

Friday, 6th of September:

17:30 - 19:30: Embodied Harmony Masterclass
In this transformative yoga masterclass, Alex will guide you through the dance of finding movement in stillness and stillness in movement. This class is not just a sequence of postures; it is a journey to explore the delicate balance of playfulness and the profound depth of practice.

Guided by a deep anatomical understanding, Alex’s classes transcend the physical boundaries of asanas. As you navigate through the fluid transitions and intentional stillness, you'll uncover the essence of yoga, to witness the beauty of balance, and to cultivate a practice that extends beyond the mat. 

Saturday, 7th of September:
11:00 - 13:30: The Initiation - Handstand Exploration
Getting upside down can be a tricky experience! Hence overcoming the fear and developing the adequate physical support are going to be your main allies on this fun journey. In this introduction to handstand, you will build the components of a solid foundation for balance. Using partner work, you will understand body positioning, arm support and how to use your core and legs for a steady and fruitful progression. Finally, Alex will show you how challenging the simple straight handstand with various shapes and transitions can help us find ease and a sense of comfort in our practice. Alex will assist you in finding which approach suits you best on this journey, and how to make it a fun and enjoyable process.

15:00 - 17:30: Motion Creation - Hip Mobility

Join Alex in this unique workshop that seamlessly intertwines hip mobility, strength practice, and the heart-centered path of Bhakti yoga. Set aside the confines of the traditional yoga mat as we collectively challenge the boundaries imposed by its four corners. In doing so, we aim to expand the regions of our brain associated with creative motion, fostering a deeper connection to the artistry within our practice.

Throughout the workshop, we'll delve into efficient techniques for enhancing flexibility, providing accessible approaches regardless of your experience level. You will learn to integrate mobility and flexibility training into your yoga practice, with insights into anatomy and physiology. We'll conclude by shifting back into the intuitive realm of the body, through chanting and shared moments of bonding.

Sunday, 8th of September:
11:00 - 19:00: Hands-On Wisdom: Insights into Alignment and the Power of Touch
Join Alex on a transformative journey of hands-on wisdom, where science converges with the art of touch. As a licensed medical doctor and dedicated yoga instructor, Alex invites you to explore the rich interplay of anatomical knowledge and sacred touch in yoga assists. >> Click here for more Infos <<

Where? Studio 6, Gumpendorfer Straße 132/2, 1060 Wien

When? 6th - 8th Sept.

Costs? Masterclass 40 €, Single Workshop 50 €, Hands-On 120 €, Weekend 230 € (195 € Early Bird until 31st July)

About Alex Perez

Alex is a yoga teacher and a licensed medical doctor. Over the course of his apprenticeship, Alex developed his own way of teaching yoga, a non-rigid and modern form based on a scientific understanding of movement and of the body. His classes contain elements from many styles of yoga along with his unique touch of creativity and play.

Alex uses his profound anatomical and physiological knowledge to adapt his guidance to the unique physiognomy of each of his students, herewith creating a safe environment for all to freely express their body wisdom through movement. Alex teaches workshops, trainings and festivals internationally. He is currently based in Berlin, Germany.

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Hands-On Wisdom with Alex Perez

Hands-On Wisdom with Alex Perez

Hands-On Wisdom: Insights into Alignment and the Power of Touch with Alex Perez

Join Alex on a transformative journey of hands-on wisdom, where science converges with the art of touch. As a licensed medical doctor and dedicated yoga instructor, Alex invites you to explore the rich interplay of anatomical knowledge and sacred touch in yoga assists.

Mastery comes not just from technique but from a profound connection to oneself and others. With safety of your students as the foundation, you will learn to offer assists with clarity of intention, guided by an in-depth understanding of the human body and basic biomechanics.

Training Highlights:

  • Anatomy and Alignment: Dive deep into a scientific approach of yoga poses. Understand alignment principles that ensure both safety and efficacy in your assists.

  • Sacred Touch: Explore the sacred dimension of touch. Learn to feel and connect, fostering a space of healing and transformation for yourself and your students.

  • Thai Massage Principles: Uncover the principles of Thai Massage, enriching your toolkit with holistic and therapeutic touch techniques.

  • Thriving as a Yoga Teacher: Alex will share his experience on becoming a successful yoga teacher. From getting slots in a yoga studio to teaching trainings and festivals internationally and how to make a living out of your passion. 


Upon completion, you will emerge equipped to assist most yoga poses, grounded in a solid understanding of underlying principles of hands-on assists. Able to develop your unique style and approach to touch, empowered to create a nurturing and transformative experience in your classes.

Schedule :

  • 11:00 - 12:30 - Asana Masterclass

  • 12:30 - 14:00 - Functional Principles of Alignment

  • 14:00 - 15:00 - Lunch Break

  • 13:00 - 17:00 - Asana Lab + Assists practice

  • 17:00 - 18:00 - Intro to Thai Massage and Sacred Touch

  • 18:00 - 19:00 - Lecture : The Prosperous Yoga Teacher

Was? Hands-On Wisdom: Insights into Alignment and the Power of Touch with Alex Perez

Wo? Studio 6, Gumpendorfer Straße 132/2, 1060 Wien

Wann? Sonntag, 8. September

Wieviel? 120 € Hands-On, 230 € Whole Workshop Weekend with Alex (195€ Early Bird until 31st of July)

About Alex Perez

Alex is a yoga teacher and a licensed medical doctor. Over the course of his apprenticeship, Alex developed his own way of teaching yoga, a non-rigid and modern form based on a scientific understanding of movement and of the body. His classes contain elements from many styles of yoga along with his unique touch of creativity and play. Alex uses his profound anatomical and physiological knowledge to adapt his guidance to the unique physiognomy of each of his students, herewith creating a safe environment for all to freely express their body wisdom through movement. Alex teaches workshops, trainings and festivals internationally. He is currently based in Berlin, Germany.

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Video on Demand: Schwangerenyoga Workshop mit Jazz (ONLINE Workshop)

Video on Demand: Schwangerenyoga Workshop mit Jazz (ONLINE Workshop)

Video on Demand: Schwangerenyoga Workshop mit Jazz (ONLINE Workshop)

!! Wichtig: Dieser Workshop ist als Online als Videostream verfügbar und ist 48 Stunden für Dich online !!**

Machst Du schon länger Yoga und möchtest in der Schwangerschaft weiter üben? Oder hast Du noch keine Yogaerfahrung und möchtest nun starten? Dann ist dieser Workshop schon fast ein MUSS... Yoga in der Schwangerschaft ist eine wunderbare Idee! Sanft und dennoch körperlich fordernd bringt Yoga dich gerade richtig ins Schwitzen. Yoga tut Deinem Kopf gut und entspannt Dich und Dein Baby. Yoga tut Deinem Körper gut, lindert Schwangerschaftsbeschwerden wie Rückenschmerzen und Sodbrennen und bereitet ideal auf die Geburt vor. Jazz zeigt Dir in diesem Workshop, worauf Du in der Yogapraxis achten solltest und welche Modifikationen sicher und zugänglich sind. In der Folge kannst Du alle unsere Basic-Klassen im Stundenplan besuchen und bist damit zeitlich sehr flexibel!

Inklusive Unterlagen zum Nachschlagen und Mitschreiben! Einfach nach dem Kauf eine kurze Email an senden

Wo? Online
Wann? Jederzeit
Wieviel? € 35

P.S. Bitte beachte, Jazz unterrichtet den Workshop auf Englisch. Bitte sende uns nach deinem Kauf ein kurzes Mail an info@doktoryoga - wir senden dir innerhalb unserer Bürozeiten (Mo-Fr, 9:00-17:00 Uhr) die Unterlagen per Email zu :)

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Video on Demand: 108 Sonnengrüße mit Kyra (ONLINE Workshop)

Video on Demand: 108 Sonnengrüße mit Kyra (ONLINE Workshop)

Video on Demand: 108 Sonnengrüße mit Kyra (ONLINE Workshop)

Das neue Jahr steht vor der Tür - und damit der ideale Zeitpunkt um den Körper wieder in Schwung zu bringen und damit für Kyras beliebte 108 Sonnengrüsse.

Ja, Du hast richtig gelesen, 108 Stück Sonnengrüße... keine Sorge, das ist locker zu schaffen! Dabei verbindet man Atmung und Bewegung zu einer wunderbaren dynamischen Meditation. Gemeinsam gehen wir an unsere körperlichen und geistigen Grenzen, egal wie (un)erfahren du als Yogi(ni) bist! Bitte Handtuch zurecht legen ;-)

Wo? doktor yoga ONLINE, jederzeit buchbar - 24h verfügbar
Wieviel? € 25

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Schwangerenyoga Workshop mit Jazz

Schwangerenyoga Workshop mit Jazz

Schwangerenyoga Workshop mit Jazz

Machst du schon länger Yoga und möchtest in der Schwangerschaft weiter üben? Oder hast du noch keine Yogaerfahrung und möchtest nun starten? Dann ist dieser Workshop schon fast ein MUSS... Yoga in der Schwangerschaft ist eine wunderbare Idee! Sanft und dennoch körperlich fordernd bringt Yoga dich gerade richtig ins Schwitzen. Yoga tut deinem Kopf gut und entspannt dich und dein Baby. Yoga tut deinem Körper gut, lindert Schwangerschaftsbeschwerden wie Rückenschmerzen und Sodbrennen und bereitet ideal auf die Geburt vor. Jazz zeigt dir in diesem Workshop, worauf du in der Yogapraxis achten solltest und welche Modifikationen sicher und zugänglich sind. In der Folge kannst du alle unsere Basic-Klassen im Stundenplan besuchen und bist damit zeitlich sehr flexibel!

Inklusive Unterlagen zum Nachschlagen und Mitschreiben! Da es uns wichtig ist, dir eine gute Einführung ins Schwangerenyoga zu geben, dauert der Workshop 3h. Aber keine Sorge, wir machen dazwischen immer wieder kleine Pausen und du kannst natürlich alles in deinem eigenen Tempo machen :)

Wo? doktor yoga Studio 7, Kirchengasse 1A, 1070 Wien
Wann? 25. April, Donnerstag, 16:30 - 19:30
Wieviel? € 35
Sprache? Englisch (Jazz spricht aber auch Deutsch & Spanisch)

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Guest Teacher: Keri Perkins
bis 16. Apr.

Guest Teacher: Keri Perkins

Keri Perkins is visiting us from London! She is an experienced Jivamukti and Yogasana teacher who loves to add cool beats to her classes. She will stay with us for about 3 weeks and she is gonna teach around ten public classes per week! Thus you will have plenty of opportunity to flow and sweat with her - and get a lot of new inputs for your personal practice.

,Keri Perkins was introduced to Jivamukti yoga, a world-famous style of vinyasa yoga many years ago and has been a devoted practitioner ever since.

Keri is also a co-founder of WYKD (pronounced Wicked) a non-yoga project. WYKD is a vibe, inclusive and diverse it's a game changer in yoga culture, offering affordable and often completely free classes in gorgeous spaces in London.´ Source: Website

You can attend all her classes with your usual pass or membership - no extra charges! We recommend registering in advance and kindly ask you to treat your reservation with respect, i.e. cancel up to 8 hours before class starts and show up at least 5 min early (as late-comers cannot join anymore).

We can’t wait to flow with you and Keri!

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